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Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Discover and Use Free Stuff Online - Hidden Exchanges that Need Attention not Aversion

The Free Stuff that can help anyone remains a mystery for many, but we all can use it to enhance our income and thus more earning. The only point is that we seem to believe in so many points like:

1. There are so many links to follow- Forgetting that the Trail and Error is the Best Method

2. The Posts are Repeated  - Even a single line that one edits can essence of the entire article as if by changing the word in the heading - Now we are NOT talking about the duplicate content, but the contents that have link exchanges within a blog or blogs of the same author

3. The author can redirect to most recommended URLs, but all works are to promote work, how one can make fool for long is everyone's concern - so no worries on spending time on mastering rather than hitting the key for hidden treasures of information and knowledge

Now, we can make a go for how discover and use free stuff...Read More About it! 

or the way we now use the new template of read more as shown below:

Read More 

Now you see even then the above link for it is shown below just above the post details. It is very easy.

Yes, you see we can easily create this link using insert jump break by clicking on the compose (not Edit HTML), which is the second to last option in the top toolbar in the new post or edit post just below the end of where it says - "Edit HTML".

In any case the best tip is just insert the following in your Setting then Clicking on Formatting and Finally copy and pasting the simple line for each post if you have not updated your publishing friend, the Post Editor (in Setting - Basic of your Blog):

"!-- more --" in the bracket < > and it will then appear as that is as if 

Read More

but with space before and after "more" command as -- more -- not --more--, so please check it in the preview that it works. Try a little, it is very simple. However, it must follow with a link to the post that is published not just saved as a draft.

However, I strongly recommend to use use Compose Mode and Insert Jump Break

Yes, it works as a magic for each post just put it anywhere in your blog post and then hide the entire post with one or two paragraphs ending with read more option. Why?

You see the blog success - the new SEO stuff from 2009 (as if 009) now depends on how fast your blog downloads, which can be good option as readers has options and also some thoughtful curiosity to read more. Thanks and Enjoy Blogging, Reading, Writing ..... and of course lot more!!!

P.S.: I mostly write at the Factoidz. Thanks!

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